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H&A Influence Group
Be The Light
Thank you for joining me today!
I’m excited to talk with you and reflect a bit on the things I have been learning here, right at home. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the global situation, which has kept most of us tied down to a different kind of daily routine.
Maybe you were always working from home, or maybe the pandemic forced you to, or maybe, you are still figuring what to do—where to go from here.
Whatever your case may be, I know things aren’t easy right now. But we are in this together. All over the world, parents are experiencing the same challenge, to varying degrees and circumstances.
I hear you. I know it’s frustrating. Some days, you just want to scream, or give up, and give in.
Well, today I’m putting on this shirt to remind me. It says, BE THE LIGHT.
I’m sure you have heard this saying before—it’s nothing new. What I want to try to do today is think about it differently.
How exactly are we supposed to be the light, when everything around us feels so dark, so hopeless? Here’s the thing: we don’t have to “try” to do anything.
We just have to simply be.
Be there for our children. Be there for our families. Be there for our Selves. Yes, self-care will help you in a huge way right now!
You see, when we allow ourselves to face the Light, be consumed with positive and joyful vibes, that light and joy becomes a part of us. We do not have to struggle so hard to exude that joy. We simply BE.
We simply BE.
When you are intentional with your time, you will get more done, and you will find the time to do the most important things. Not everything, maybe, but the most important ones.
For example, set time aside to sit down with your kids. Make that a part of your schedule. Need a nap? Go ahead, schedule it. Set your alarm.
When we were in the office, we would get up and take breaks, get a cup of water or coffee, etc. It should be no different when we work from home. Setting a schedule for yourself helps.
Now that I'm home all the time, it takes discipline to make sure my priorities are aligned and my baby doesn't feel neglected. It takes discipline to stay productive at the same time and meet our business deadlines.
Do you know what happened when I learned to be intentional with my time? I found out that I actually had more time than before! I gained three hours of my time back!
So then, I used that extra time for prayer, meditation, and focusing on my inner health.
That made a huge difference! It was wonderful to start shining again from within, to be able to exude that light to others.
I want to encourage you that living in the light of joy means starting with little steps. For me, it was as simple as figuring out that I needed to be intentional with my time. Once I got my time sorted, the other things I was trying to juggle fell into place.
Remember, this is not the first crisis the world has gone through, and certainly not the first—or last—crisis you will get through. I look back at history and know that our ancestors have been able to overcome. Remember, "this too shall pass". We know we will overcome this.
We have the choice to determine which lens we will look at this with. We focus on having unwavering faith, just like that mustard seed. It starts so tiny and small and it becomes into a huge tree!
If you can use this time as an opportunity to grow, you might just amaze yourself! I would love to hear about what things you are working on during this time, and what helpful things you’ve learned as well.
Remember, everything starts with ourselves. Focus on gratitude, focus on your blessings, and let the light in. That’s the easiest way.
In my next blog post, I’ll be sharing some practical things to do, to stay mentally sane during the pandemic. For now, I'll leave you with this beautiful passage: "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.
Thank you for reading, see you again soon!
Con amor,
I know this sounds all a little abstract, so I want to start with one simple tip for BEING.
Be intentional with time.
It takes intentionality and focus to budget your time. We talk about budgeting our finances. Why don’t we talk about budgeting our time?
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